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Student Experience

FAN Yejing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering undergraduate, Class of 2021
Date:2022-11-11   Edited By:SSO

FAN Yejing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering undergraduate, Class of 2021

I began my journey at SWJTU-Leeds Joint School in 2017 and took part in the 2+2 program transfer to the University of Leeds in 2019. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in 2021 with First Class Honours and the IEEE Prize for the best final year UG project in telecommunications. After graduating, I was awarded the International Full-Time Studentship and started my PhD journey. Now, I am a second-year PhD student and a PGR representative.

I enjoyed two years of life being one of the Joint School students, providing me with the confidence to use English for communication and studying. I learned to balance the study between the global vision and the Chinese system. I devoted myself to academic competitions and won many rewards to cultivate my professional abilities. After transferring to Leeds, I got the opportunity to live in Leeds and expose myself to the English environment. I became more independent in daily life, and I made many friends by joining LUU and meeting with people from different ranges of academic disciplines and countries every day. It helped me to learn much more about how to deal the relationship among diverse cultures. And I think it is easy to get used to living here because of two years of SWJTU Joint School experience. The enthusiastic professors embedded with cutting-edge knowledge teach the lectures and labs patiently. Also, the training classes and workshops cultivate a professional well-qualified and global-world student.

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