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Student Experience

Students’ Union
Date:2022-11-23   Edited By:SSO

The Students’ Union of SWJTU-Leeds joint school is a student organization under the leadership of CPC Committee and the guidance of the Youth League Committee. It committed to representing the benefits of students, providing students with good services, enriching students' extracurricular life and helping students develop comprehensively The Leeds Students' Union aims at serving students wholeheartedly, and actively carries out various activities in science, technology, culture, sports and learning. The Leeds Students' Union actively moves forward reform, attaches great importance to development, commits to cultivating outstanding students who are full of ideas and act as vanguards, cultivates successors of socialist builders with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, and contributes to the dream of SWJTU and the Chinese dream. The main departments are the Department of Presidium, Literature and Art, the Department of Sports, the Department of General Affairs, the Department of Students’ Benefits, and the Department of Advertising.

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