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Student Experience

Academic Technology Innovation Base (ATIB)
Date:2022-11-23   Edited By:SSO

The Academic Technology Innovation Base (ATIB) of SWJTU-Leeds joint school is a student organization dedicated to enrich students' creative activities and improve students' awareness of scientific innovation and hands-on practical skills under the leadership of CPC Committee and the guidance of the Youth League Committee. ATIB organizes special science and technology activities in Leeds Science and Technology Month and invites renowned competition instructors to conduct training on National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest, China College Students "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Competition of Service Outsourcing and Entrepreneurship Innovation and other academic competitions; collects, collates and distributes various academic resources such as scientific research information, competition resources, academic reports and high-quality software; assists in organizing students' participation in the "Challenge Cup" National College Student Business Plan Competition, China College Students "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Competition of Service Outsourcing and Entrepreneurship Innovation and other A-class academic competitions. The main departments are the Department of General Affairs, the Department of External Liaison and the Department of Academy.

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