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Student Experience

Class League Federation
Date:2022-11-23   Edited By:SSO

The Class League Federation of SWJTU-Leeds joint school is a student organization that carries out league-building work under the leadership of CPC Committee and the guidance of the Youth League Committee. It actively guides the young members of the Youth League to learn and practice the knowledge of the party and the league and improves the overall quality of the students in our college; actively cooperates with the reform of the Communist Youth League of Leeds College, speeds up the integration process of the Leeds College, and improves the political, mass, and advanced nature of each group organization. With the cooperation of other League Building Centers or League Organizations of our school, actively explore the pioneering plan for the organization and construction of the League Federation. The main institutions are the Department of League Affairs Construction, the Department of Advertising, the Department of Assessment, and the Department of Activity.

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