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SWJTU-Leeds Joint School Alumni Association Unveiled
Date:2022-11-01   Edited By:ASO

SWJTU-Leeds Joint School Alumni Association is founded to innovate talent training mode, strengthen alumni ties and create a “lifelong learning” platform with the characteristics of SWJTU-Leeds Joint School, and its unveiling ceremony was officially held on October 29 in Chengdu.

The unveiling ceremony was held both online and offline. Jiuwen Jiang, CPC Secretary General, Tao Huang, Vice Dean, and Yan Zhu, Vice Dean attended the unveiling ceremony online, while Duo Zhao, CPC Deputy Secretary General, Yaoqian Liu, CPC Branch Secretary of the Faculty and Staff, Yu Wang, Director of the Administrative Support Office, Dongjie Li and Jiaqi Qu, fudaoyuan, and representatives of graduates from the Class of 2016, 2017, and 2018 attended offline.

Through livestream, Jiang welcomed the participating members and hoped that the alumni would uphold the SWJTU spirit of “Cultivating Talents for the Rejuvenation of Chinese Nation and Persevering in Self-improvement ” at their new posts and in their studies, and reach the top in both their academic fields and respective industries. Huang and Zhu also encouraged the alumni to keep learning and maintain a pragmatic attitude so that they can scale new heights in their studies and careers, and hoped they would keep in touch with the School in the future and return “home” often. In addition, Zhao shared with the graduates the latest progress and new achievements of the School.

In the sharing of past experiences, Hongyu Wang mentioned that when pursuing the “2+2” program in the UK, he received face masks and Lianhua Qingwen Capsules from the School by mail, and felt deeply touched in a foreign country. According to Chenghu Wu, the Alumni Association will provide valuable resources and play a positive role in the studies and careers of the alumni. Xu Jingye said that what he gained most from his four years of study at SWJTU-Leeds Joint School was the habit of “walk with the excellent”, which is crucial to his study throughout the PhD period.

The School hopes that more and more alumni will use this platform to enhance their communication with each other, provide their suggestions and contributions, and continue to care for and support the development of the School as always.

By:Grace Qu

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