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Symposium of Electronic and Information Engineering for the first semester of academic year 2022-2023
Date:2022-11-07   Edited By:ASO

On November 3, the symposium on teaching and learning was held at the Programme of Electronic and Information Engineering for the first semester of academic year 2022-2023 in X30522. Present were the teaching faculty of the Programme, Duo Zhao and Yan Zhu, Vice Deans of the School, and Deqing Huang, Programme Director and chair of the symposium.

Prof. Jikun Li first shared her ideas on how to develop a first-class course. Based on her own experience in delivering the hybrid course “Fundamentals of Circuit and Electronic Technology”, she elaborated on the integration of ideological and political elements in this course, design of teaching activities, and reform and practice in the improvement of teaching quality. She also analyzed the differences in teaching objectives and teaching methods between the Joint School and the University of Leeds.

The participants discussed on issues related to the development of the Programme and courses such as graduation project (thesis), research project and academic competition, laboratory management, teaching schedule and communication between teaching staff of the two sides, and proposed constructive suggestions. In addition, Huang made a report on the teaching and graduates of the Programme of Electronic and Information Engineering, encouraging all the staff to make full use of the advantages of Chinese-foreign Cooperative Programmes to improve themselves.

The symposium promoted communication and exchange between teaching faculty of this Programme, provided an important arena for them to better understand the dynamics of programme delivery, and improved the quality of teaching.

By:Victoria Zhang and Serena ZHOU

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