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Symposium of Civil Engineering with Transport for the 1st Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023
Date:2022-11-18   Edited By:ASO

On November 16, a symposium on teaching and learning for the 1st semester of academic year 2022-2023 was held at the Programme of Civil Engineering with Transport in X30522. The symposium was chaired by Ding Haibo, secretary of academic affairs, and participants included Zhu Yan, Vice Dean of SWJTU-Leeds Joint School, Chen Rong, Deputy Programme Director of Civil Engineering.

The discussions focused on overall arrangement of experimental courses, preparation for the accreditation of JBM (Joint Board of Moderators), faculty development for science and technology innovation and research, delivery of model courses in English, and improvement of students’ learning quality.

At the symposium, Ali Rahman shared his experience of teaching in English, and offered some tips on the development of oral English proficiency, course preparation and classroom instruction organization.

This symposium has not only connected the teaching faculty, but also contributed to the programme development and teaching management.

By:Serena ZHOU

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